Contacter Sea Shepherd Rescue
Notre adresse:
Kernascléden – Morbihan
, France
Em breve
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Co-fundador da Fundação Greenpeace em 1972. Fundador da Sea Shepherd Conservation Society em 1977. Fundador da Fundação Captain Paul Watson Foundation em 2022. Estrela das séries Whale Wars e Ocean Warrior no Animal Planet e destaque do filme The Cove, premiado no Oscar, e dos documentários Perseguição ao Thunder, Sharkwater, Pirate for the Sea, The Edge of the World e Eco Pirate. O Capitão Paul Watson também é autor dos livros Ocean Warrior, Seal Wars, Earthforce!, The War to Save the Whales e We Are The Ocean.
O capitão liderou centenas de campanhas de conservação marinha e hoje começou a montar sua nova frota, para poder seguir com seu trabalho através da Fundação Captain Paul Watson: rastrear e impedir operações de pesca ilegal, para defender espécies em extinção e habitats ameaçados.
Também foi instrutor de ecologia profunda no Art Center em Pasadena e no Honors Program da Universidade da California em Los Angeles.
Watson recebeu o Amazon Peace Prize (2007), a Medalha Jules Verne de Conservação (2012) e foi nomeado um dos 100 Heróis do Ambientalismo do Século XX pela revista Time em 1999.
O Capitão Paul Watson tem cidadania nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá. Ele nasceu em Toronto, em 1950.
Ele é casado com Yanina Rusinovich e é pai de Lilliolani, Tiger e Murtagh.
Rob Read é o diretor de operações da Sea Shepherd no Reino Unido, gerenciando o desenvolvimento da instituição de caridade do Reino Unido e gerenciando as campanhas da Sea Shepherd por lá desde 2013.
“Quando me voluntariei pela primeira vez na Sea Shepherd Reino Unido em 2007, nunca pensei que um dia iria chefiar a entidade britânica desta organização de conservação marinha.
Lembro-me de ter ficado impressionado com a determinação do capitão Paul Watson, que vi pela primeira vez no episódio ‘Ocean Warrior’ da série de TV ‘Defenders of Wildlife’ em 1993.
Não muito depois de ‘Ocean Warrior’, consegui assistir ao programa anterior da BBC ‘Black Harvest’, que se seguiu a uma das campanhas da Sea Shepherd em 1986, opondo-se à caça às baleias-piloto das Ilhas Faroé.
Paul era um « pirata » carismático e descaradamente firme da conservação marinha moderna: tinha um navio pintado de preto e uma tripulação de voluntários apaixonados que confrontava a pesca ilegal e a caça às baleias no mar. A Sea Shepherd não era um dos típicos grupos ambientalistas, e as táticas sem igual de ação direta não violentas de Paul foram verdadeiramente inspiradoras.
A Sea Shepherd ficou gravada em minha memória enquanto eu estudava ciências ambientais e trabalhava em pesquisa e educação por 13 anos, período durante o qual me juntei à Sea Shepherd Reino Unido como voluntário, no final de 2007.”
Como voluntário, Rob participou de mais de 150 eventos e deu palestras sobre as campanhas da organização, além de se juntar ao protesto na reunião da Comissão Internacional Baleeira (IWC) nas ilhas da Madeira em 2009 e coordenou o protesto da Sea Shepherd na reunião da IWC na ilha de Jersey em 2011. Ele foi elogiado como ‘Coordenador da Sea Shepherd do ano de 2011’, e em novembro de 2011 ingressou no Conselho de Administração da Sea Shepherd Reino Unido, tornando-se vice-presidente.
Desde dezembro de 2013, Rob é o Diretor de Operações da Sea Shepherd no Reino Unido, gerenciando o dia a dia e o desenvolvimento da organização, construindo a frota britânica de pequenos barcos. Rob lançou ou coordenou as seguintes campanhas da Sea Shepherd:
– Operação GrindStop nas Ilhas Faroe 2014
– Campanha Seal Defense Escócia (2014-2015)
– Operação Bloody Fjords nas Ilhas Faroe (2016-atual), incluindo o lançamento da coalizão #StopTheGrind (2021-presente), uma parceria entre Shared Planet e Sea Shepherd Reino Unido
– Cove Guardians / Operação Infinite Patience no Japão (2016-2017)
– Operação 404 (2017-2018)
– Campanha Ghostnet da Sea Shepherd Reino Unido (2018-atual)
– Vários trabalhos de reconhecimento por barco e terra ao redor da Escócia, Orkney, Shetland e Ilhas Faroe desde 2016
– Operação Mjolnir na Islândia (2018)
– Projeto de Educação da Sea Shepherd UK (2020-presente)
– Operação Northern Exposure, Islândia (2022)
Rob mantém e dirige os RHIBs ‘Siren’ e ‘Phantom’ da Sea Shepherd Reino Unido, bem como a embarcação de desembarque Ex-MOD ‘Selkie’ baseada na Escócia, e também é piloto de drone, BSAC Ocean Diver, Médico de Animais Marinhos com BDMLR, Lancha licenciada RYA/ICC, treinada em WISE e com certificação RYA Marine Radio SRC.
Em novembro de 2022, Rob se tornou um dos cofundadores da ‘Sea Shepherd Origins’: uma nova entidade dedicada a defender os valores centrais da Sea Shepherd como sua linha de frente e seu movimento de conservação marinha focado na ação direta, como foi definida pelo capitão Paul Watson desde 1977 .
“A Sea Shepherd fez muitos inimigos ao longo dos anos porque nossas campanhas foram muito eficazes sob a liderança e a visão de Paul Watson.
Agora temos uma nova luta para recuperar a Sea Shepherd dos EUA de um conselho desonesto que assumiu o controle com o objetivo de erradicar o legado de nosso fundador e transformar a Sea Shepherd em (mais uma) organização de conservação marinha baseada em pesquisas genéricas.
O estilo único da Sea Shepherd de campanha independente, firme e ética não pode ser destruído enquanto a vida selvagem e os ecossistemas oceânicos estiverem sob ameaças tão severas.
A menos que possamos preservar o DNA da Sea Shepherd e permanecer fiéis aos nossos princípios que já salvaram tantas vidas – o vazio na fiscalização e investigação causado pelos governos, suas agências e patrulhas navais que a Sea Shepherd preencheu por mais de 4 décadas será novamente aberto a exploradores ilegais e destrutivos da fauna marinha”.
Apoie Capitão Paul Watson
Nos ajude a defender a Sea Shepherd
Nathalie Gil é atualmente presidente da Sea Shepherd Brasil. Ela ingressou na Sea Shepherd em 2019 após abandonar uma carreira de 18 anos de experiência trabalhando como estrategista para muitas grandes empresas ao redor do mundo, pois isso a deixou desapontada por não conseguir mudar o status quo, mas motivada a fazer a diferença com as habilidades ela desenvolveu a partir disso. Decidida a seguir seu coração e dedicar seus talentos ao planeta, ela tomou a decisão de se tornar marinheira e, eventualmente, se tornou contramestre em um dos navios da Sea Shepherd, o White Holly. Ela ajudou a preparar o Holly para missões e trabalhou como coordenadora de mídia em uma campanha. Paralelamente o trabalho a bordo, Nathalie iniciou o desenvolvimento da Expedição Boto da Amazônia, que foi lançada em 2021 pela Sea Shepherd Brasil.
Ao deixar o navio em 2020, Nathalie trabalhou como Diretora de Desenvolvimento na Sea Shepherd Brasil, estruturando a organização para atuar com cinco campanhas locais. Ao final de 2021, Nathalie tornou-se Diretora Executiva no Brasil e, a partir de agosto de 2022, tornou-se Presidente do Conselho de Administração.
“Tenho muito pouca experiência histórica na Sea Shepherd. No entanto, sinto-me honrada e com orgulho de trabalhar lado a lado com o Paul Watson e outros que construíram a Sea Shepherd ao que realmente é hoje. Posso ver meu papel como uma representação do sangue novo que reforça a missão e os valores da Sea Shepherd, que os mantém vivos e bem, provando que a Sea Shepherd é um movimento atemporal: é necessário hoje, assim como era em 1977.
Cada grande passo e conquista na Sea Shepherd hoje em dia nunca é feito por qualquer pessoa isoladamente: só foi possível por causa das crenças e ética que foram estabelecidas por Paul Watson naquela época. As portas se abrem para nós por causa de sua visão inspiradora, as pessoas nos ouvem por causa de suas realizações impressionantes. Nossas próprias conquistas como líderes estão sempre sobre os ombros de todas as outras conquistas feitas ao longo de todas essas décadas.
Uma organização que vai contra o que Paulo acredita e o que ele construiu é uma organização que vai contra nossas origens. Minha motivação como membro fundador da Sea Shepherd Origins é ajudar a Sea Shepherd a continuar lutando pelo que o oceano mais precisa agora: a ousadia original da Sea Shepherd, sua paixão, sua missão implacável.
Nenhuma pessoa ou equipe pequena pode destruir um movimento que é muito maior do que eles. Nós da Origins queremos provar isso: lutar pelas nossas origens é lutar pelo que o oceano mais precisa, hoje e amanhã.”
Rob Read is Sea Shepherd UK’s Chief Operating Officer managing the development of the UK charity and managing SSUK’s campaigns since 2013.
« When I first volunteered with Sea Shepherd UK in 2007, I never thought that one day I would head up the UK entity of the marine conservation organisation.
I remember being impressed by the determination of Captain Paul Watson, who I first saw in the ‘Ocean Warrior’ episode of the TV series ‘Defenders of Wildlife’ back in 1993.
Not long after ‘Ocean Warrior’, I managed to watch the earlier BBC program ‘Black Harvest’, which followed one of Sea Shepherd’s campaigns in 1986, opposing the Faroese pilot whale hunts.
Paul was a charismatic and unashamedly uncompromising modern-day marine conservation ‘pirate’, with a black painted ship and a passionate volunteer crew that confronted illegal fishing and whaling at sea. Sea Shepherd was not the typical banner waving environmental group, and Paul’s unique, non-violent direct action tactics were truly inspirational.
Sea Shepherd stuck in my memory while I studied environmental science and worked in research and education for 13 years, during which time I joined Sea Shepherd UK as a volunteer later in 2007. »
As a volunteer, Rob attended over 150 events and gave talks on Our campaigns as well as joining the protest at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting on the islands of Madeira in 2009 and coordinated the Sea Shepherd protest at the IWC meeting on the island of Jersey in 2011. He was commended as ‘Sea Shepherd Coordinator of the year 2011’ and in November 2011 joined the Board of Trustees of the Sea Shepherd UK Charity becoming vice-chairman.
Since December 2013, Rob has been the Chief Operating Officer of Sea Shepherd UK managing the day to day running and development of the charity, building thd UK fleet of small boats, and has launched or coordinated the following Sea Shepherd campaigns:
– Operation GrindStop in the Faroe Islands 2014
– Seal Defence Campaign in Scotland (2014-2015)
– Operation Bloody Fjords in the Faroe Islands (2016-2022) including launching the #StopTheGrind coalition (2021-present), a partnership between Shared Planet and SSUK
– Cove Guardians / Operation Infinite Patience in Japan (2016-2017)
– Operation 404 (2017-2018)
– Sea Shepherd UK’s Ghostnet campaign (2018-present)
– Various reconnaissance work by boat and land around Scotland, Orkney, Shetland, and the Faroe Islands since 2016
– Operation Mjolnir in Iceland (2018)
– Sea Shepherd UK’s Education Project (2020-present)
– Operation Northern Exposure, Iceland (2022)
Rob maintains and drives the Sea Shepherd UK’s RHIBs ‘Siren’ and ‘Phantom’, as well as the Ex-MOD landing craft ‘Selkie’ based in Scotland, and is also a drone pilot, BSAC Ocean Diver, Marine Mammal Medic with BDMLR, RYA/ICC powerboat licensed, WISE trained, and with RYA Marine Radio SRC certified.
In November 2022, Rob became one of the co-founders of ‘Sea Shepherd Origins’ – a new entity dedicated to defending the core values of Sea Shepherd as a frontline, direct action marine conservation movement as SSCS was founded by Captain Paul Watson in 1977.
« Sea Shepherd has made many enemies over the years because our campaigns have been so effective under Paul Watson’s vision leadership and vision.
Now we have a new fight to reclaim Sea Shepherd US from a rogue board who have taken control with the aim of eradicating our founder’s legacy and changing Sea Shepherd into (yet another) generic research based marine conservation organisation.
Sea Shepherd’s unique style of independent, uncompromising, and ethical campaigning can not be destroyed while ocean wildlife and ecosystems are under such severe threats.
Unless we can preserve the DNA of Sea Shepherd and stay true to our principles which have saved so many lives – the void in enforcement and investigation caused by governments, their agencies and naval patrols which Sea Shepherd have filled for over 4 decades will be once again be open to illegal and destructive exploiters of marine wildlife ».
Support Captain Paul Watson
Help Defend Sea Shepherd
Coming soon
Nathalie Gil is currently President at Sea Shepherd Brazil. She joined Sea Shepherd in 2019 after dropping out of a career of 18 years’ experience working as strategic partner to many large companies around the world, as it made her disappointed by working with the status quo, but motivated to make a difference with the skills she developed from it. Deciding to follow her heart and to dedicate her talents for the planet, she took the decision to become a deckhand and eventually bosun’s mate at one of Sea Shepherd ships, the White Holly. She helped to set up the Holly for missions, and worked as Media Coordinator on a campaign. In parallel to crewing onboard, Nathalie has started the development of the Expedition Boto da Amazônia, which was launched in 2021 by Sea Shepherd Brazil.
When leaving the ship in 2020, Nathalie worked as a Director of Development at Sea Shepherd Brazil, structuring the organization to operate in five local campaigns. In 2021 Nathalie became Executive Director in Brazil, and from 2022, she became President of the Board of Directors.
“I have very little historical experience at Sea Shepherd. However, I feel honored and proud to work side by side with Paul Watson and others who built what Sea Shepherd truly is about. I can see my role as a representation of the new blood which reinforces the mission and values of Sea Shepherd, that keep them alive and well, proving Sea Shepherd is a movement which is timeless: it is necessary today, just as it was back in 1977.
Every great step and achievement at Sea Shepherd nowadays is never done by any person in isolation: it was only made possible because of the beliefs and ethics which were set up by Paul Watson back then. Doors are opened to us because of his inspiring vision, people listen to us because of his impressive achievements. Our own achievements as leaders are always standing on the shoulders of every other achievement made through all these decades.
An organization which goes against what Paul believes in and what he built is one which goes against our origins. My motivation as a founding member at Sea Shepherd Origins is to help Sea Shepherd to continue to fight for what the ocean needs most right now: Sea Shepherd’s original boldness, its passion, its relentless mission.
No person or small team can destroy a movement which is so much bigger than them. We at Origins want to prove this: to fight for our origins is to fight for what the ocean needs the most, for today and for tomorrow.”
Lamya Essemlali was born in France in 1979. After completing an associate degree in advertising and marketing in Paris, she realized the only way she could ever be happy was to work in her field of passion, defending the environment and the animals. She decided to start over and went back to University at 24. She got her Master degree in Environmental Sciences with a specialization in conservation of Biodiversity at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris.
In 2005, she meets the captain Paul Watson in Paris and she co-founds Sea Shepherd France in 2006 after her first campaign in Antarctica. She has been President of Sea Shepherd France since 2008 and has lead several international and national campaigns. The campaign she lead in 2010 for the Blue Fin tuna in the Mediterranean sea ended up with the release of 800 illegally caught tunas in the Libyan waters. She also has been very much involved in the campaigns in the Faroes island, she lead the 2010 expedition where the underwater graveyard was discovered and also lead the off shore team of Grind Stop in 2014, that has driven away from the hunting bays many pods of pilot whales. Although 33 whales died on a grind under Sea Shepherd’s watch that year, over 1333 whales had been killed the previous year on the same period, in the absence of Sea Shepherd.
Lamya launched the Mare Nostrum campaign in the Mediterranean sea since 2015, a campaign focused on the retrieval of ghost nets, during which kilometers and several tons of waste have been removed from the sea and many trapped animals released. She has also built sea turtles anti poaching campaign on the French island of Mayotte that goes on each year since 2017, the « Operation Dolphin Bycatch » in the bay of Biscay since 2018 and « Operation Ocean Killers » started in 2021, that focuses on the impact of supertrawlers in French waters.
Asides from campaigns, her work in France involves legal action, fundraising, media and communication, and meetings with govermental officials . She gives many public talks each year and she has written a book with Paul Watson in 2012 “Interview with a Pirate” in which she compiled several years of discussions she had with the Founder of Sea Shepherd on many topics including, politics, animal welfare, media, philosophy. An updated version of the book has been released in 2017 for the 40th anniversary of Sea Shepherd.
Lamya has always considered all forms of life deserve respect. She believes mankind won’t ever be at peace unless it is at peace with the rest of the animal kingdom and finally realizes that it is not outside of Nature but part of it and any harm he does to Nature, he actually does to himself. Therefore she truly recognizes herself in the biocentric approach of Sea Shepherd.
« I have been involved with Sea Shepherd for 18 years and I intend to keep doing so as long as it remains in my eyes, one of the most effective tool to defend and protect the ocean. I believe that the co-founders of Sea Shepherd Origins have in common the essential values carried on by Paul Watson, which we have made their own. We are loyal to this legacy, we’ll work to ensure that the battle started 45 years ago to save our ocean keep inspiring millions of people to become part of the solution » – Lamya Essemlali
Co-founder of the Greenpeace Foundation in 1972. Founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 1977. Founder of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation in 2022. Star of the Whale Wars and Ocean Warrior series on Animal Planet and featured in the Academy award winning film The Cove and in the documentaries Chasing the Thunder, Sharkwater, Pirate for the Sea, The Edge of the World and Eco Pirate. Captain Paul Watson is also the author of the books Ocean Warrior, Seal Wars, Earthforce!, The War to Save the Whales. And We Are The Ocean.
Captain Watson has led hundreds of marine conservation campaigns and today has begun to assemble a new fleet to carry on the work with the Captain Paul Watson Foundation to tracking down and shut down poaching operations to defend endangered species and threatened habitats.
Captain Watson was an instructor on deep ecology at Art Center in Pasadena and in the Honors program at UCLA.
Captain Watson has received the Amazon Peace Prize (2007), the Jules Verne Medal for Conservation (2012) and was named one of the 100 Environmental Heroes of the 20th Century by Time Magazine in 1999.
Captain Paul Watson is a citizen of both the United States and Canada. He was born in Toronto in 1950.
He is married to Yanina Rusinovich and is the father of daughter Lilliolani and sons Tiger and Murtagh.